Wednesday, July 10, 2013

My niece

My beautiful nice she is so adorable i love her with all my heart she everything to me will my sister have 17 years old and when she was 15 years she was pregnant and them 9 month in April 8 2012 she was born i was here in that room when she can out will my mom want that i have to stay here too see that is difficult have a son so i was here i was  traumatized and i still because i see everything i almost fainted because i was to hard to me see all that my my mom don't want that i get out of that room because she say hat in had to see all that because she don't want that same life for me so that pass and she was grow up and me and my mom almost everyday come to my sisters house too see my niece and everyday she was most beautiful every day and that month pass and them my sister move to Santa Rosa and that a little to far to Calistoga so now i cant visit my niece  everyday and i go to visit her but no everyday i was like 1 day at 3 month and them my niece she was 1 year all that last month and she walk and she star to talk that is so cute will my sister does come to my house no that much she just come 1 time at 4 month because she move another time she still live in Santa Rosa but in another place.them when she came that is that most happy moment in my life because i see my little cutie niece she so beautiful and adorable she a little shy but she that most beautiful girl in that world to me and i love her so much she is so skinny with curvy hair and big ayes lips like a heart beautiful smile and shy every time she with me she just look at me just doest stop to look at me i don't know why but she my everything she so perfect she beautiful cute adorable gorgeous for me i love mi little girl AILYN.

things i like about me

will i don't eve had something that i like about me but i kind that like it my hair because i think that i can do whatever i want with my hair and make me i little petty ha.but other thing that i like about me is my ayes they are big and brown like cafe color and i love my yes and i like my fingers ha that weird but they are little that why i like it because they are cute to me i like my feet too because they are smaller and my feet fingers are so short that is funny when i see them make me laughed because they are too small and my legs  i like it too because they are a little long and i don't like nothing of my body because i feel uncomfortable with i don't know why i don't like my body but that how i i'm and but i think that does matter that much but it important to me to feel comfortable with my self i think that thing that most like about me is my personalty and i hate how i i'm because sometimes i let that people do whatever they want with me but now and day that don't happen non more because i Lear that no one have to do with me whatever they want and know that people that do things to me i don't talk with them now but yea that
 thins that i like about me.

Friday, July 5, 2013

yesterday with my little sister

yesterday was fun but kinda stressful because i was with my little sister because she want to go with me but i just want to be with my friend but them i have to take care of her and is kinda annoying she so adorable she so cute with that people sometimes i so mean with hair i don't know why but i think that she is nice sister sometimes she little annoying but she still cute and adorable every time i with her it so cute but i don't like take care of her at that same time i like it but i have two sister and she that only one that it so adorable with me she do everything i talk her because she say that she love me i love too but sometimes she annoying me and i  get mad and i yell her and she star cry and i don't like when she cry for nothing she is so Chiquiada because my mom just do everything that my little sister say but she is so nice and adorable with that people and sometimes not but i live her.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The fair

so today is that fair in Calistoga is kinda small but is fun i wanna go that 7 days the it here but i only can go 2 days because that tickets  are to expensive and my mom just buy me 2 every year so i think that i only going 2 day that 4 and that 7 but es and that good thing is that tomorrow there no school and i can sleep more because i hate wake up early but i have to and tomorrow i going to that fair with my bast friend and my cousin and i think that my boyfriend is gonna come i don't know yet but yes i going to that fair tomorrow i hope that they are new ride because all that years is that same so i hope that this year be different i think that tomorrow is gonna be a good day for me because i going to see my boyfriend because i have 2 or 3 week that i don't see him so he going to that fair tomorrow so i going to see him here and UHF i hope my mom buy me that tickets
today because i don't wanna buy that ticket here so ye i hope i can go tomorrow too but i hope that tomorrow is i good day for me will more for me and i hope that everything is fun and good.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

My glasses

My grasses when i was in that  classes i don't even see nothing and past that days and don't see nothing and pass that day and that same so some day some girl give that teacher a paper and i was for me so it was that counselor and she wanna talk with about me and things like that and i say to her that i don't see nothing in that class and she asking me are you blind i answer her yes because i don't see nothing in class and she said you should get  glasses but i talk her that my mom forget to pay that medical for Kaiser so i don't have medical and she said ooh OK so i going to talk with that medical just give me a month i said OK but i still don't see nothing and and she talk  my mom that she have to go at that medical so a go with my mom and they check me and they say that a need glasses so at that same day a get my glasses and pick them black and  red because i love red so at that same day i put them i was feel weird but at that next day that i come to school i feel weird because everyone look at me weird so i was embarrassed but that days  pass and i was feel more comfortable everyone talk me oh you look pretty with glasses  and i like your glasses they are pretty a just like oh thanks but my mom say that i look like 60 years old with glasses now ha ha she funny but i like my black and red glasses and i see that wold much better them before.

Monday, July 1, 2013

My phone

My phone is that only thing that is with me all that time when a get my first phone i was so happy but with that time i was like ok and i was so addicted to him for a time like a month i don't use phone because all that time with my phone testing because i addicted to my phone i got my phone whatever i go because i text to much will now no that much because i have boyfriend and just text with him but before i just text with guys but now i have boyfriend so i just text with him because one day he was with me and some guy text me and UHF he get so jealous and a don't want problems so just stop testing with other guys because i like to text with different people but sometimes they are so boring. But yea when i get my first phone i was so crazy ha ha because i was my fist phone but at that 3 month my phone broke so my mom doest want to buy me a new one and them my mom take my phone away because i was no that good at school and my boyfriend gave me a new phone and them my mom buy me a iPhone and i only have 2 or 1 week with my new phone when my mom take away just because something happen but i have a phone that my boyfriend gave me and my mom doest know that i have a phone and i want to talk her because if a talk her she going to take away and a don't want that so i have this phone i addicted to my phone and he  is my best friend.