Friday, June 21, 2013


Today was a fun day i think so i wake up early  so i prepare them i walk to come to school them i star class and  read something about what that make me change so a white something about my dad when he died. A change so much because he  was my eve thing to me so them be have rest to be prepare to present so them some students present they project  so them was me y was a little nerves but them when i finish i feel ooh i do it and them with star we other things another thing that today i realized the that word THING'S it difficult to me pronounce but at last i do it but yeah so them with star another work them we go to wreak and now a star writing  a blog and i decide to write about today because this day  i feel proud of my self because i realized that eve thing can be if you want i just remember my first day of high school i was so shy because did not understand nothing. But now i understand what tha teacher say something no because some words are still difficult.But i sure that i going to learn that words because eve thing can be in this life. And with that teacher i have i sure that i going to learn more but i have to do my part if i want a better future of course that i want a better future for me.To my mom feel proud of me that would  be so good because that only thing i want is make proud my family.

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